5 Steps to a Happy, Healthy Immune System

In this age of wanting to be healthier, let’s dismantle the old, outdated belief that health is measured by thinness. Truth is, your health has much less to do with your size and much more to do with your mindset and the strength of your immune system. 

The immune system is too often ignored, undervalued, or misunderstood. Yet, when you understand how to support your immune system, you’ll be better prepared for the physical toll of common colds, illnesses, and viruses. 

The immune system is a complex system of interconnectedness, not a single entity. To function well, it requires balance and harmony. An overactive immune system is just as dangerous and an underactive immune system. With a little bit of mindfulness in a few specific areas of interconnectedness, you will make a significant impact towards a healthier, balanced immune system. 

5 Steps to a Happy Immune System 

  1. Eat more fresh vegetables, like, lots more. Especially greens. The amount required to fight disease is significantly higher than what the average American eats.

  2. Supplement your diet. See below for my list of suggested supplements. Supplements are another highly unregulated market. See my list of favorite brands here. My daily dose:

    • Juice Plus to greatly boost my quantity and variety of phytonutrients, from over 30+ different fruits and vegetables. *kids eat free! Ask me for details.

    • Probiotic to improve gut health, which positively impacts immune health.

    • Vit D Not only does vitamin D enhance our innate immune systems, it also prevents our immune systems from becoming dangerously overactive. This means that having healthy levels of vitamin D could protect patients against severe complications, including death, from COVID-19. Read more.

  3. Avoid endocrine disrupting chemicals that are found in most cosmetics and personal care products. See my recommendation.
    For example, phthalates, used in cosmetics, personal care products and food packaging, alter levels of cytokines, which are key players in the immune response to coronavirus. Read this groundbreaking study linking endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) and immune function.

  4. Sleep. Practice good sleep hygiene to get an adequate 7-9 hrs each night. Sleep is like a wash and rinse cycle for your skin, body, and mind. 

  5. Make time daily to move daily and best if outside in the sunshine. A dose of nature (Vitamin N) is helpful too.  

Small shifts can create significant impacts in the areas of nutrition, lifestyle, and personal care products. It’s true that there are innumerable factors corroding your immune system on a daily basis. This is where we see the impact of hidden, hazardous chemicals in the water, food, perfume and personal care products, that are dragging your immune system down, and interfering with your overall health, energy and mood. This is why it’s critical to reduce and/or avoid exposure to the toxins as well as improving our gut health, where much of our immune system resides.