National Healthy Skin Month

Believe it or not, your skin reveals a lot about you. When it glows it hints at all of the healthy habits you’ve incorporated into your life. Essentially, you become a walking advertisement for a healthy lifestyle, whether it's well managed stress, lots of garden-fresh meals, clean beauty products, restorative nights of sleep, endorphin-boosting workouts, or ample water intake. 

When your skin is lackluster, angry, or irritable, it’s a warning light for an underlying imbalance. 

Healthy skin has everything to do with a healthy lifestyle, so skip the 27-step regimen and simplify, getting back to basics.

4 Steps to Healthy Skin

  1. Hydration. Skin care starts from within, so it makes sense that adequate hydration would be important to skin health. 

  2. Nutrition. Sugar, dairy and processed foods wreak havoc on your body, which in turn shows up on your face. You can literally eat your way to fabulous skin by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables. For example, avocados and sweet potatoes support youthful, glowing skin, pears help prevent fine lines and wrinkles, while bananas and celery diminish under eye circles! 

  3. Use Clean Beauty. Most importantly you want to be sure that your skin care products do not contain harmful ingredients! It’s been over 80 years since regulations have been passed in the skin care industry. This lack of regulations requires you not only be an educated consumer but also your own advocate. It’s time to let go of the notion that safer skin care products aren’t as effective. While that’s true in many cases, there are some exceptions. Beautycounter is my preferred brand.

  4. Screen. Schedule a regular skin screening with a dermatologist. 

Common Skin Issue

Even common skin issues, such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, are rooted in a systemic imbalance. With a little bit of detective work, you can identify your trigger and heal your skin. I’ve had wonderful success helping clients return to glowing skin without the use of medicated 

Acne is becoming increasingly common in teens and adults. Acne can be related to food, lifestyle, skincare products, gut health, stress or nutritional deficiencies, and I’ve had great success helping clients resolve even cystic, hormonal acne. 

Top Tips: 

Shift to clean beauty targeted towards balancing your skin. Cut back on dietary beauty blunders (sugar, dairy, highly processed foods). Eat more fruits and vegetables. Drink more water. Get real about your stress levels. 

Simple Skincare Routine:

  1. Cleanse: Be sure to wash your face every evening with a gentle cleanser that removes impurities while hydrating, rather than drying out your skin. Hydrated skin stays firm and glows.

  2. Hydrate: Follow up with additional hydration, including a face oil and moisturizer. A good face oil quickly nourishes the skin with antioxidants and vitamins, minus the grease.

    This nighttime routine is a simple two step process! In the morning, splash your face with cold water, protect it from environmental stressors with a great C Serum, hydrate and protect with spf before you begin your beauty routine, if you have one.


    C Serum: Counter+ All Bright C Serum
    Hydrate: Daytime moisturizer
    SPF: Great options for tinted and clear