Why the B Corp certification is the gold standard of labels

Let's talk labels. I think they can be totally overwhelming if you don't know what you are looking at (or for). Between ingredients and certifications and marketing terms, there is alot to untangle. 


There’s a rapidly growing number of beneficial certifications out there. Even the gold standard certifications are limited to their specific area of focus, such as organic or cruelty free or non-GMO. Clearly these are all important labels, but due to their singular focus, they lack the complexity of ALL that it takes to be an ethical business. ⁣

I want a label that indicates the company cares about their employees, the environment, and their impact on the world enough to work harder and  voluntarily meet higher standards for social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. 

I want a company who puts people and planet above profit. Am I an eternal optimist? Absolutely.

Why I’m Obsessed with B Corps

The certified B Corps seal is the label I prioritize. The fact that it’s the hardest sustainable certification to achieve says something. B Corps are companies that use business as a force for good. 

B Corp Certification is the only certification that measures a company’s entire social and environmental performance, from your supply chain and input materials to your charitable giving and employee benefits. 

They care about their employees, the environment, and their impact on the world. And they don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk. 

“Companies that get awarded B Corp status have committed to using their business to work towards a more inclusive and sustainable economy. Together, the companies and their communities work to reduce inequality, lower poverty levels, and create a healthier environment, stronger communities, and jobs with purpose.” ~ Business Insider

My Favorite B Corps

Beautycounter, my favorite personal care brand, is a B Corp. In fact, they were also named to the B Lab list Best For The World in 2019. Additionally, Beautyounter is also Leaping Bunny certified (the gold-standard in cruelty-free certification for personal care and household products companies ) and EWG Verified (independently reviewed against strictest safety standards). 

My go-to lip balm, Eco Lips Mongo Kiss, is a certified B Corp. They are also certified fair trade, organic, and more. 

Seventh Generation is leading the way for larger companies in the household and personal care industries, as a certified B Corp. I use their Free & Clear dishwashing products.  

There are over 3500 companies spanning 150 industries and 74 countries who are now certified B Corps. 

Other B Corps you know and love are TOMS, Athleta, Bombas, Allbirds, Eileen Fisher, Patagonia, Ben & Jerry’s, Kleen Kanteen, Cabot Cheese, and my favorite probiotics Seed. As diverse as these companies are, they are working towards one common goal to model ethical and sustainable approaches to business. 

“You cast your vote every day with the choices you make—what you buy, where you work and who you do business with. You have the power to make your voice heard beyond the ballot box. Every day is election day.”


To learn how to identify misleading marketing, read my article on greenwashing.

Want more ideas for brands doing good? Check out my resource list.