Is Your New Pandemic Work-Life Routine Sustainable?

Are you feeling tapped out? Overworked? Slowly drowning? I’m hearing this a lot lately. 

Women are bearing the brunt of this pandemic, as reports of depression and anxiety are through the roof. 

We are already paid less, have to work harder to prove ourselves, and now we are expected to work full-time, run a house, keep the kids alive and maybe even off a screen from time to time, run a mini-classroom, all while trying to stay human and alive ourselves. 

That's bananas! 

While we cannot change the pandemic on our own, there are some things we can do to take better control of our health, wealth, and wellness. 

Self Care

Let’s keep this simple, because self care is not complicated. In general, do things that your future self will thank you for. For example:

  • Go outside every day to breathe fresh air.

  • Move your body for stress relief. We aren’t calorie counting here, we are simply moving the lymph and lubricating joints. 

  • Drink water. This single habit is simple and powerful and will help your stress levels and pandemic brain!

Give Yourself Grace

That feeling when your whole body exhales and things don’t feel as tightly wound as they did a moment ago. Grace looks different for everyone and at it’s core is ease.

  • Grace can look like listening to that quiet whisper of a voice that says go for a walk, even though you’ve got an inbox full of email

  • Grace can look like taking time to just be, instead of trying to overthink every. single thing.

The other day a friend asked,

Do I worry about my kids or do I worry about my career? 

I was facing a somewhat similar situation about 13 years ago, when my youngest daughter was born. She was quite young (just 1 month old)  when I was faced with going back to work, back to the classroom. 

This was a significant decision for us. I loved my work. We needed my income. Yet, I took the leap to start my own business. Not because we could afford it. It was risky on paper -  we were broke, but I wanted to create a different lifestyle for myself and my family, and I knew there could be something really great on the other side of it. 

Today I feel so grateful I took that leap. When my husband had to close his practice for 10 weeks, we were grateful that my online business was still booming. While my kids are doing school from home, we are so grateful that I am home too . . . working when I want and as I want. 

Now I’m helping other women pivot to become business owners. Whether your goal is $500/mo, $1000/mo or building a 6-figure business, being your own boss is . . .boss!

Ensure Your Success

As you consider your options, many coaches will encourage you to go for your passion. Instead, I’d encourage you to first seek opportunity and go for one where you also have passion. There are 2 industries in huge growth right now, and I share more about those in the video below.

When you are smart about the transition, you eliminate some of the risk. Ask yourself:

  • Is this something I can monetize and feel successful with quickly?

  • How big of a risk am I taking if I decide in 6 months that it’s not for me?

  • Will it develop my skills and experience?

  • Does this opportunity leave room for growth and unlimited income potential?

Watch this video to discover to two fastest growing industries and how you can create the job of your dreams.

More Reading:

Six Signs of a Killer Side Hustle

If you are curious about making a change or adding an additional income stream, let’s chat.

business, HealthEmily GeizerComment